Preparation in Private Rewards Us in Public!!!
Hello Friends,
How are you all and how was your
weekend? Well, let me ask you about your plans for your future. Would you like me to know about your future plans? If you’re reluctant to share, then no issues…but
it is vitally significant to let yourself know where you see yourself two years
from now. Friends, have you ever imagined this? If no, then it’s a serious
issue. We’re allowed to live our lives for a very short span of time and if you’re
2o year old at this juncture, then you’re left with only about 2,500 weekends
to enjoy, so what are you waiting for? Life without any goal is like running
very fast without knowing about your destination. Well, don’t you think, it
sounds very absurd and awkward? Making our life successful must be our first
and foremost goal but we seem concerned more for each and everything except our
lives, for instance, what do others think about us, what others would say if I
fail, it’s our duty to appease others etc.
Folks, our today’s topic is about
how to lead to a life of essence which steers us towards our success automatically.
You might think why my focus is on success all the time; it is because there’s
no life without success. And succeeding is in our hands, as no one can prevent
us from getting ahead, if we are strong-minded to achieve it.

Our habits ensure our routine and
our routine results into golden success. Let me say that practice, which we
make privately, rewards us in public. We all love seeing winners, talking about
them, praising them and their lives, though do we ever give any thought to their
rigorous and constant training that they do before the final day? Actually it’s
beyond our imagination to perceive the intensity of heart and soul, they put
into their training sessions. Hence, they are rewarded for their preparation and
training for which they invested time in private.
Friends, train you for the golden
success. Set your goals, envision them, think about them constantly, get up
early, and take care of your mental and physical well-being by doing exercise
and meditation. Shake off the negative thoughts and instances by concentrating
on positive thoughts and small achievements. Small achievement result into big ones. Try to have compassion and empathy…have faith in the Almighty.
Read good literature and feed your minds with fine ideas. The world is yours!!
You are alone during your training sessions but on your day of achievement, you
will be surrounded with people all around you, clapping in standing ovation.
Mamta Sharma
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