Be A Dreamer to Succeed!!!
Be Dreamer to Succeed!!!
Hello Friends,
What’s up? Let me ask you a question, do you sit idle for some time? I mean, when you don’t have anything to do, what do you do? How do you prefer to spend time when there’s no one around you? Earlier, I used to sleep whenever I had nothing pivotal to do. Later, I made the social networking sites my companions and this kept me occupied and satisfied since I was in touch with my school and college friends. But gradually I found this chatting boring, monotonous, and futile. I learned that this routine was making me unproductive. One day, I decided not to be lethargic anymore and I initiated investing my time. So today, I would like to share with you how we can utilize our time when we are not doing anything.
Dream and Envision
Well, we are instructed and suggested by people to keep ourselves busy...but friends, it’s nice to sit idle sometimes and to think about our dreams. A haphazard life won't let us settle down to dream and vision for our successful future. I mean, what we really wish to achieve in our lives should be planned beforehand. We’ve to ponder about what dreams we have for our better future and if we really have a passion for our dreams...Sometimes, it’s good to be a dreamer. Friends, if we yearn to overcome our nightmare of failure or disappointment, we’ll have to dream. All successful people have dreams for their future.
But friends, since merely dreaming can’t make us successful, so the next step is to envision. We must practice envisaging our prospective success which is not far from us if we’re determined to achieve it. Contemplation and envisioning make a wonderful combination and it always works. So setting our goals and noting them down in some notebook will guide us towards our destination. This is not a magic or miracle, actually, when we keep thinking to achieve something persistently, this shows in our words, deeds, and actions. This is associated with our psyche or behavior...But this is not possible in the absence of the appropriate endeavors. So we'll strive to achieve the skills, required for the accomplishment of those goals.
Distinguish between People of positive and Negative Aura
Based on my own experience, I can say that our company matters a lot.
People inspire you or they drain you, pick them wisely.
-Hans F. Hansen
If we are in contact with negative people constantly, we can’t succeed. But if surrounded by positive people, we can see a drastic change in our entire persona and attitude. Few people have magnetic power and due to which, everybody desires to be in their company, whereas there are people whose presence makes us gloomy and uncomfortable. This happens because of their positive or negative aura. So, we should have the prudence to figure out whose company enhances our morale and confidence and vice versa. We must know what kind of fellows, we are associated with. Once we become a master at this skill, we can easily ward off negativity which will eventually lead to more productivity and efficiency.
At the End
So till our next meeting, take care of yourself, be healthy and happy. Love yourself and let yourself dream and envision your dreams, so that nothing can prevent you from reach the zenith of golden success.
Mamta Sharma
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