Are We Addicted to Something???

Adieu Addictions As This Is My Life!!! The term ' Addict ' refers to a person who cannot stop doing or using something, especially something harmful. It’s a Latin verb addict which means ‘giving over’ either in a negative or positive sense. Actually, there’s a restrictive definition of the word addiction since it’s linked with the use of drugs, alcohol or smoking, etc but this has a wider interpretation as well. Surprisingly, in today’s scenario, all of us seem in the ecstasy of being addicted for instance; someone has an addiction for drugs, someone has an addiction for watching pornography, someone loves watching television for hours, somebody is addicted of his/her lover, somebody has a craving for some dish, so on and so forth. Hence, there is a long list of addictions . So this is obvious, that we need to think beyond the traditional meaning of addiction . Why does this addiction exist? This is a decisive question, which we need to ask ourselves...