Time Pressure

Time Pressure

Dear Friends,
It’s been a long while when we talked with each other the last time. I got stuck into something unavoidable and somehow I managed to come out of that. So friends, how are you all doing? I went through huge pressure during last one month and despite my best efforts, I found my confidence crumbling sometimes. So today, I wish to discuss the significance and impact of time pressure on one’s personality and productivity but before that let me share an instance with you all.
During a session, which I conducted few months back, I divided all the participants in two groups: group A and group B. Both the groups were given two similar assignments but the former was given a time limit and the latter was not. The assignment was to assemble the same type of articles out of various even and odd ones which were juxtaposed on a table. Initially, this seemed like a child’s play but at the end of the day the team with no time limit won whereas the team with a time limit to finish its assignment couldn’t perform as expected.
Folks, why do we shatter under time pressure? So what about the successful people across the world? We find a common thread in almost all of them and this is because they are not scared of deadlines since they know how to manage their time. Time is the most precious asset, we have and if we are unable to manage our time, it’ll be impossible to lead to a successful and prosperous life. Please don’t mind but almost all of us are habitual of putting off our works or assignments. While counseling the people, I often come across numerous excuses regarding how due to lack of time, they are unable to make a balance between their personal and professional lives.  But still, they don’t muster their courage to conquer their habit of procrastination.

Friends, once I’d read somewhere ‘Follow your heart but take your brain with you.’ I don’t need to tell you how important out lives are. But we keep complaining about how we don’t have excellent lives like others around us have. Let me tell you that living a wonderful life is possible if we really wish to. We will have to take some small steps to move ahead and to overcome our fear of time pressure. Undoubtedly, these steps are simple  yet life changing such as getting up early, planning our schedule, prioritizing our works, taking out time to relax out body and self can help us in a great deal. These habits not only make our lives better but also build our self confidence which becomes a basis of a successful life.
So take care, love yourself and live a carefree life.
Mamta Sharma


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