Change your Habits and Succeed in your Life!!! Part 1

Change your Habits and Succeed in your Life!!! Part 1

Hello Friends,
How are you all? Prosperity and happiness is the absolute truth of our life and if we acquire them, we are considered successful. Yes folks, life seems easy when we are successful but it is the worst if we don’t succeed in our endeavors. 

Topic of the Discussion

Yesterday I focused on how we can come out of our comfort zones just by challenging ourselves physically and psychologically. Today elaborating on the similar topic, I would share some strategies which will automatically push you towards success. Why it is important to know about these significant strategies? The answer is if you want more, you will have to become more and if you really want to gain more, get ready for more pain. So let me tell you that just by changing our habits, we can change our lives. Brian Tracy, a motivational trainer and author says, "Good habits are hard to form but easy to live with." 
However you may not find my viewpoints very appealing or unique but if once you initiate practicing the steps mentioned below, you will find a drastic change in your personality, perception, and life.  

Stay Healthy

Everybody knows Health is wealth but how many of us are determined to be health freak. Do we have our Health on the list of our priorities? And if it is there on the list where do we put it? I mean if it tops the list. We expect from us to excel day by day but the health of our body and mind is not on our priority list and this is really disappointing.

How to have good health

Wake up early. I know it’s not very easy for those who are not the morning persons yet this is the first habit which we’ll have to inculcate for our better health which undoubtedly ensures our success.


Confused? What is MEW? This combination is unique and complete and this will surely create a wonderful impact on our health. 

M: Meditation, 
E: Exercise, and 
W: Water Intake

Please don’t jump out of the bed as soon as you get up. I know most of us start rushing no sooner we are awake but a haphazard starting may ruin our entire day. That’s why it is better to get up early. Take your time and express your gratitude towards the Almighty for giving one more wonderful day to live and experience it. If you can just sit with your eyes closed for 10-15 minutes remembering and praying the supernatural power. Believe me friends; if you practice meditation in the morning, you’ll remain joyous and exuberant for the rest of the day.
Exercise for just 20 minutes, you will see the change. Though we have very tight schedule  but if we've will power to perform better in our personal and professional lives, we can touch the sky.
Then comes the next step which is have 1 -2 glass of warm water. We all know that adequate hydration helps our body function well. About 2-3 litres of water throughout the day not only hydrates our body but also keeps our weight in check.

Home-cooked food vs. Junk food

Decide what you really want. For a successful life, it is vital to tweak our eating habits accordingly. We can find the tiny junk food kiosks and stalls mushrooming at each and every juncture of our cities. Very often I come across the people who, due to shortage of time or busy schedule, prefer to gorge on some street or junk food. This food seems very delicious and fills stomach instantly but its daily intake is like having small dose of a slow poison. 
Friends, such as meditation is imperative for a healthy mind and diet is for a healthy body. Only determination and promise to nourish and nurture our body and mind can help us to do what is right for us.   

At the End

So folks, get ready to live a substantial life because merely living a life is not sufficient. As Junice Marturano, a successful author says, There is no work-life balance. We have one life. What's most important is that you awake for it. We'll discuss the remaining habits in my next blog. 
So take care, be safe and healthy. Love yourself and figure out the habits which hinder your success.

Mamta Sharma



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