Self-Image and Success!!!

Self-Image and Success!!!

Yesterday I met up a girl who used to live in my neighborhood several years back. I was glad to see her after a long time and I couldn't resist myself asking several questions about her life, family, and career. But my happiness couldn’t last for long, since the story she narrated was pathetic and heart-rending. Before sharing her story with you all, let me tell you something about the girl. She was a 25 year old spinster with dark complexion. She graduated in Home Science and was a vivacious person. But she had a weakness due to which she was not gratified with herself. Friends, she ruined her entire life and this was unbelievable that a young girl like her had lost charm for life. She was so diffident that she could believe everyone in the world except herself. Why? It was because she had a poor self-image. She was a gullible and used to perceive herself through the others' viewpoints. She considered herself worthless and a loser because she drew a picture of herself what she was told by others. She was unmarried because several boys refused to marry her and now she didn't have any future plan for life and career. Her family and siblings too were very rude to her. Throughout the day, she was busy cooking, doing house-hold chores for her family which always focused on her weaknesses. She attempted suicide twice but was saved, as if God was also not willing to allow her in His Kingdom.
Well friends, her story dejected me and I didn't know how to console her. I could see how rejection changes our life drastically. But why do we let others tell who we are, how we look, or how we should live.

What is Self-Image?

What does the term 'Self-image' refers to? According to dictionary, self-image is a portray one carries of one's abilities, appearance, and personality. 

What happens when we have distorted self-image?

A person with low self-esteem lives his life in fear and depression.He doesn't believe himself and keeps looking for others' opinion. He becomes pessimist and reluctant to live. He keeps comparing himself with everyone as he feels inferior and insecure. 

What should be done to revive confidence? 

Emotional Quotient

Well friends, life is not that tough. To get rid of our low self-esteem, we'll have to have a strong Emotional Quotient. E.Q. creates an ability which helps us to comprehend ourselves in the most positive way and to overcome our negative perception. The most important thing about E.Q. is that this skill can be learned and this learning may take place anywhere. What we need is to practice it constantly.

Replace I'm not good enough with I'm Good Enough

The people with distorted self-image keep replaying the negative instances again and again. They think about the people who drag them down and this worsens the situation. Friends, let me tell you that nobody is perfect in this world and it is more significant to focus on our strengths not on our weaknesses. We are God's creation and He has chosen us for a specific purpose, so we cannot doubt His intentions. So cut out your negative self-talks which prevent you from going ahead.

Build you Self-Belief 

A person with no goals or vision, can't live his life successfully so it's important to inculcate some habits which give you happiness and self-satisfaction. Our success is hidden in our daily routine, therefore we'll have to get away from the habits which increases our self-pity. You can learn new skills, read motivational books, blogs, or can meditate which will definitely change the course of your life. 

Start Writing Journal

Pen down what you yearn to be, what kind of life you wish to live and what do you expect from yourself. And then answer to you own questions and you also write down how you can achieve your goals. Just talk to yourself and make the strategies to stretch yourself to fulfill your dreams. 

At the End

So till our next meeting, take care of yourself, be safe and healthy. Love yourself and value yourself the way you are. As you don't need to look up to others for living a magnificent life. 

Mamta Sharma


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