Selfie Smile Vs Real Smile

Well folks, these days, selfie is in rage and so is the selfie smile. I love to see how people make their best efforts to get a perfect selfie. We make faces, have pouts, smile (sometimes weirdly) or pose differently to get the best shot. We are ready to do anything to add to the best effects to our selfie. Sometimes our efforts pay and sometimes they don't. Now comes the next step and this is to upload our selfie on some social networking sites. This is followed by an elongated wait for our friends' complements and likes. Our endeavors seem to succeed if our posts receive expected (or unexpected) number of likes. If our posts don't grab the attention of the viewers, our endeavors fail due to which we feel apprehensive sometimes. Have we ever thought how many extra endeavors, we make just to attract peoples' attention? How much time we spend in getting clicked? But let me ask you what extra endeavors we make to get our minds and bodies relaxed or cheer...