Dear Parents,
I'm writing this open letter to you on the behalf of all the teen age children. Please let me mention that several things hurt them and affect their attitude, behaviour and personality badly. I wish to share that they are familiar with your intentions about them. kids don't listen to your advice? Why do you think that they are behaving like mutineers?
They know that that you care for them and the fact is that they also care for you. Then why do problems occur? Why is there a gap between you and them? Why do you keep saying that your

Let me give you the reason since they are going through their adolescence and this is a transitional stage from childhood to adulthood. They are curious, confused and flabbergasted sometimes. They need your emotional support.

Few Don'ts

  1. Please don't compare them with their siblings or other kids.
  2. Please don't keep pointing out to their mistakes all the time.
  3. Please don't narrating how you were more obedient in your teen age. (since time has changed now)
  4. Please don't be judgmental.
  5. Please trust them and talk to them regularly. (No matter how busy either of you is.)
There are several other things that offend them but I've tried to highlight the generic things which happen with almost most of the teen age kids.

Impact on Teen age Children
I know that it's very hard to deal with the tough teen age children yet we'll have to comprehend their psychology.
  1. Our harsh words may damage their self-image.
  2. Due to this, they turn out to be pessimists.
  3. Communication gap creates a rift between the children and their parents.
  4. They search for their parents' alternatives.
  5. They rely on others more than their parents.
So, as a mother of a teen age boy, my suggestion to you is please handle your teen age children with care. Especially we shouldn't point out to their mistakes in public since it seems to them as if they are stripped of their self-dignity. So, a little care, prudence and willingness to change can sustain our relationship with our teen age children. Happy parenting!

Take care of your 'Self'.
Best Wishes! 


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