10 Ways to Influence People

Well, folks, everyone wishes to be noticed in this overcrowded world. Everybody yearns to stand out in the crowd. I think you also feel the same. There are lots of tricks which we adopt to influence people. We join several courses to be more impressive and effective. This is our burning desire to win the heart of people around us. Since praises, admiration, and accolades are liked by everyone. Since our childhood, we develop a sort of willingness and inclination to acquire these. Today I'm going to share some very simple attributes which will help us to behave more impressively and effectively. So gear up and go through these magical techniques to transform you and your entire personality.
  1. We don't have to shout at the top of our voice to be noticed. Believe in action instead of words.
  2. Confess your mistakes as accepting our mistakes is not the sign of weakness but it needs immense guts and courage.
  3. Be a good listener. Listening is a wonderful skill that requires too much patience and empathy.
  4. We all love to complain against each and everything around us. But if we shift our attention from outside to inside, we can curb this habit up to a certain extent. This activity will draw our attention to our shortcomings rather than others'.
  5. Value others. If we really wish to seem different then we'll have to learn to make other feel valuable. 
  6. Share the ideas which can help the people around us. Actually good things are meant to be spread everywhere. So, we should not hesitate in sharing our innovative ideas with the world.
  7. 'Smile, laugh and enjoy life' should be one of our motives in life. Happiness increases when it's shared with everyone.
  8. In order to live our life successfully, we must have good rhetoric/communication skills. This completes our personality.
  9. We can be an impressive person if we learn to comprehend others' points of view. Actually, dominance never lets us win others. It's knowledge and humility which provide us a remarkable stature.  
  10. We must compliment others for their small achievements as it is a wonderful attribute of impressive people. 
So, let's make our own rules in order to have an impressive personality since looking up to others for their perception about us is an obsolete idea.
Now, it's time to say bye. We'll discuss new ways to transform and excel as individuals in my next blog. 
Till then take care. Good night.
Mamta Sharma


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