10 Reasons Why We Should Spend Time with the Elderly People
I still remember how
during my childhood days, I used to spend some time with the elderly people of
my building. I can’t forget the immense love and affection; they used to
scatter over me for a little amount of my time. I used to do their petty works
such as cutting their nails or helping them to bathe or to read out newspapers to them.
had interesting life experiences to share and the more time I would spend with
them, the more attached I would feel with them. Though none of them is alive
now they exist in my life in the form of their blessings. I read somewhere
that loneliness is a kind of epidemic. In a country like India, this problem
has emerged since people started preferring nuclear families. Since people are
so occupied in their lives that they don’t have time to spend with their aging
parents. The old age home is the consequence of spreading indifference towards
our parents.
let’s talk about the 10 reasons why we should spend time with the aging people:
Our time with the
aging people help them to live for a longer span of time.
they can help the working fellows to
raise their children in a better way.
Our company removes
the monotony of their old age lives and makes them positive and optimistic.
Their experience helps us to live our
lives more efficiently.
The aging people whether or not they
are highly educated, their advice is unique and useful. Hence, we can make our
life better with their assistance.
The fact that we all have to grow old
along with the time will help us to be empathizing with them. Then only we can
undergo that at this point in time, they need proper care and attention of
their children.
How can we forget their dedication and
investment in their precious amount of time while raising us? Remember the
nights when they kept awake so that we could sleep or how hard they tried to
make us what we are today. So, let’s gear up as this is our turn now.
Sometimes we don’t like them because of
their rigid viewpoints and attitude. But don’t we remember how stubborn we used
to be during our childhood! So, it’s our turn to understand our parents’

Our little attention makes them in high
spirits and contented and this will surely fill us with immense happiness.
Our time with them will
keep them in the pink of their health.
let’s take some time out of our busy schedule and go for an outing with our
parents, or give them some gifts on their birthdays. Let me mention that life
is nothing without our family and our aging parents are an integral part of
it. So, it is essential to care for them as this will instill the same values in
our children. Lucky they are who have their parents with them!
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