Soaring Like a Kite!!
Hello Everyone,
Kindly go through the following poem, which I composed today itself. The name of the poem is Soaring Like a Kite. We all like to see the flying kites which include diverse colors, shapes, and sizes. Folks, have you ever thought about the spirit and optimism of Kites? They always desire to measure the limitless sky. It is very sad to see a Kite wobbling down while its tether is cut, snapped, or broken. But at that time also, it seems dancing as if it is celebrating the end of its life. Since it has a firm faith that its new owner will fly it again. So I wish to live my life as a Kite since it lives its life full of pleasure and satisfaction.
I wish to be like a kite,
Soaring high to the sky.
I wish to have a brief but
colorful life,
I wish to dance at the music
of fife.
Amid odds and spaces uncanny,
I fancy exploring the paths
I wish to be like a kite,
Soaring high to the sky.
dancing and wobbling,
I wish to flow with the wind,
I wish to be like a kite,
Soaring high to the sky.
Unknown to the fate and
Still has vigor to at life’s
I wish to be like a kite,
Soaring high to the sky.
Either I would exist or
Yet no regrets to live in
I wish to be like a kite,
Soaring high to the sky.
So like a Kite, we should also celebrate our lives, since the end of one life signifies the commencement of a new chapter i.e. a new life. Now it's time to say bye to you all, take care, be safe, healthy and happy, love yourself and celebrate each and every moment of your life.
Mamta Sharma
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