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Bird Mystery I noticed that every day I was awakened by a special kind of chirping, a bird 's chirping . It seemed quite uncanny and mysterious to me! How could the same bird wake me up ?? I asked this question to my self several times. Friends, let me mention that I always wished to join the group of early risers however despite all my efforts, I could not do so! Therefore, I started a new practice which was to give instruction to my inner self every night to wake me up at 5 AM sharp. This might sound unbelievable to you all but this is true that every morning I was awake at sharp 5 without any hassle.! And most interestingly I used to feel very fresh! So, coming back to the bird mystery, it seemed to me as if it was the same bird that used to sing outside my window. I was not able to spot it since there are 6 small but dense trees in my lawn. The bird used to sing in a different tone! I mean its voice was unique and then I tried to interpret it. To my surpris...